Holiday brunches
Holiday brunches

Holiday brunches

From 12:30 onwards, when you arrive, you'll be offered a hot drink, accompanied by viennoiseries, special breads, butter and a plate of freshly cut fruit. You can then quietly choose and order your choice of savoury and sweet dishes, and enjoy the Christmas culinary workshops.  

Christmas Brunch

Served on December 25, 2022  

New Year's Brunch

Served on January 1er, 2023

news from the hamlet of pesquiers


Holiday brunches

Come and discover Le Hameau des Pesquiers by booking your Sunday brunch at the Saliniers restaurant.

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European Ecolabel awarded

We are very proud to announce that the Hameau des Pesquiers has been awarded the prestigious and selective European ecolabel!

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Restaurant Saliniers

New Saliniers restaurant menu

Summer rhymes with exceptional products in the Mediterranean! Discover the new Saliniers menu concocted by our team.

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